Personal Training

With one-on-one personal training your personal trainer will create fun and varied sessions based on your individual needs.

They will manage you and your program, monitor your techniques and progress and motivate you to give 100% in every workout.

They will provide a totally safe and supported training environment for you with that personal touch.

One-on-one personal training can be provided on a ‘one on one’ basis, on a weekly, monthly basis, or as often as you require.

Bodi HQ personal trainers are fully qualified with a combined 45 years of professional experience, so you know you are in safe hands.

“ The single most important investment you can make is into your health and we work tirelessly to ensure you get the rewards for that”.

Our training is for anyone that wants to improve their health from all walks of life and fitness levels. It’s amazing what you’ll be able to achieve when you’re coached correctly, motivated, and inspired with accountability.

Book a free session today
