Be Fit On Purpose.

Welcome to the Buffalo Grove IL best private gym.

Bodi HQ Group Fitness Classes

Bodi Boot Camp

Bodi Sculpt

This beginner to intermediate level class will help you grow muscle, build endurance, and put your metabolism to work.(All Levels)

We combine free weights with squats, lunges, and high-interval exercises.

Bodi Power Yoga

Bodi Strength

This is a faster-paced, powerful yoga class using vinyasas, core work, and balancing poses to increase stamina, balance, and endurance.

This class is a hybrid of weight training + cardio. You’ll gain muscle strength, endurance, and torch the fat off your body.

About the our Gym

We offer an unpretentious , high end results-oriented community that’s invested in your goals and success. Check your ego at the door and get ready to sweat! Our staff will be the fitness concierge assisting your best you!

“There is nothing impossible to
him who will try.”

— Alexander the Great