The Fascia Stretch Therapy™Difference

FST is distinct from traditional stretching because it decompresses, lengthens, and creates space in the fascia, thereby positively affecting all systems of the body, not just muscles.

Not only does it result in pain reduction and movement restoration in the physical body, FST significantly improves sleep and reduces stress for a total mind and body impact. This is achieved in a session customized to your personal needs for immediate and long-lasting results.

Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) and the Benefits of Stretching Fascial Stretch Therapy

“FST isn’t just focused on individual or groups of muscles. Rather, it’s focused on how the lines and patterns of our fascial tissue interact with those muscles. By following those lines and planes of fascial tissue, we are able to achieve a greater range of motion with no pain or tension—all while producing an enormously high level of stretch and relaxation.”

  • Reduction or elimination of stress

  • Decreased joint aches and pains

  • Greater balance and flexibility

  • Improved posture and mobility

  • Shorter recovery times after exercise

  • Increased blood flow to exhausted muscles

Benefits of FST

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